Mycoplasma in Poultry
Team-up with the natural defenses
What did the client need?
Mycoplasma infection is a well-known and wide-spread problem in livestock breeding. Fortunately, there are many efficacious products on the market to treat it, including our client’s product, which is specifically indicated for use in chickens. For their marketing efforts, our client was tired of using self-made PowerPoint presentations. Instead, they wanted to create a comprehensive mode-of-action film. To increase their return on investment, the aim was to use this film not only for the marketing campaign, but also internally as a training tool.
How did we meet this need?
Our story begins with an overview of the chicken respiratory system in order to provide a basic foundation for all viewers. Highlighting the healthy respiratory system’s ability to dispose of invading pathogens and other contaminants established the basis for addressing the serious implications of a mycoplasma infection. Moreover, showing the severity of the disease helped to point out a clear need for our client’s product. The master recording in English was produced within a few weeks, and a total of 6 country adaptations – in Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Polish, and Turkish – were produced shortly after.
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