From mode-of-action video to interactive magazine: Finding new distribution channels in animal health.
The swine market is awash with various products for improving the pork business. What is the best way to make your products stand out from all the others?
They were no longer content with just offering standalone products to pork producers and then leaving it up to them to employ these products. Instead, they had come up with a complex business concept to optimize pork production as a whole, utilizing the company’s products.
Our client’s goal was to sell solutions, not just single products.
Their challenge: To convey a holistic business philosophy
that hardly anybody seemed to understand.
Unfortunately, the new philosophy with its wealth of abstract economic data was really difficult to grasp. Around 90% of the target audience was not even aware of it and saw no need for change, anyway.
First, they had to present their complex new business philosophy in an understandable and possibly entertaining way. Then, they had to make clear how their different products worked as individual solutions within the overall philosophy. And finally, a long-term concept to keep customers informed about new products and services was needed to strengthen existing business relations. Was it even possible to address all these needs at the same time?
Clearly, this was going to be a battle on several fronts.
How could it be won?
As the company had worked successfully with CAST PHARMA before, they decided to work with us again. We got stuck in and, after clarifying their needs and requirements in an extensive briefing process, worked painstakingly through their many scientific papers and marketing brochures. Based on the knowledge gained and after quite a few brainstorming sessions, we developed two different formats.