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Frequently Asked Questions

Our recommendation is 3 to 4 minutes, in order not to overtax the viewer’s attention span. The general guideline: The shorter the better; focus on one topic per film. Of course, some contents may need a lengthier explanation. In such a case, separating the film into individual modules is advisable.

Of course, there is no one answer to this question. The cost of a project depends on a variety of factors, including the length of the planned project, the complexity of the project, and the choice of stylistic means. For further information we have written a detailed blog article for you. We would also be happy to send you a non-binding offer – so please do not hesitate to contact us.

The first stage in the creation of a 3D-animated film consists of developing a suitable visual story, which usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks. The actual production takes a further 4 to 6 weeks. In between, there are several feedback rounds, and at two points the client’s legal, regulatory and medical approval is needed: For both the storyboard and the final film. For us, the time approvals may take is difficult to estimate, since it depends on company-specific internal processes. Please take this into consideration when calculating overall production time.

The final video belongs to you as the client and includes the global buyout. It retains all rights for copyright and usage in all media, except television, for an unlimited time frame.

The model remains the property of CAST Animal Health. All our customers benefit from our large model databank. We use our models to provide the basis for the customized output. Each model receives its own look and feel to meet the needs and requests of each individual client, giving the final film its own unique quality. We guarantee you, our client, that the customized output and look remain exclusive to the project.

One of the major benefits of working with CAST Animal Health is our extensive in-house medical expertise. Our medical advisers can either work in close co-operation with your medical team or develop a story from scratch, based on their own research into the subject. During the production phase, they only have to cross the hall to make sure that every medical detail is reflected without delay in the graphical implementation.

Fast Sketch is an animation technique that allows the viewer to see the images come to life as they are being drawn, either by the artist’s hand or using computer simulation. Some also call it Whiteboard Animation, but we think the name Fast Sketch is better, since it more precisely conveys the dynamic involved – the quick creation of images and animation that is contained in this stylish program. The step-by-step creative process makes it easy to present a topic, explain it, and build a story around it. This also makes Fast Sketch very appealing for animal health marketing. For further information and to give you an overview of the typical workflow of a project we have written a detailed blog article about Fast Sketch in animal health.

Yes. All of our films are delivered in mp4 format, so that they can easily be transferred to the iPad via iTunes. Of course, we are also happy to provide you with other formats if desired.


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